In December, the NFVA's Giving to Our Neighbors program provided a sleighful of presents for the 8 mothers and their 14 children at Carriage House. Thank you to the coordinators, Ilene Karnow and Alice Kociemba, and to all those who contributed: Cynthia Bourget and Mark Mendes, Kathy and Mike Brainerd, Robin and Doug Brown, Rosemary Carey, Tracy and Ron Chapman, Joan Eisenberg, Ron and Debbie Fernandes, Amy Glynn, Beth Hines, Ilene Karnow, Ruth McLaughlin, Colleen Medeiros, Jackie Morris, Ellen Mulhern, Mary Lou O'Rourke, Mary Tamucci, David Vieira, and Alice Kociemba and Rich Youmans.
Also thanks to those who helped by wrapping all the gifts: (above from left) Laurie Leitner, Alice Kociemba, Rosemary Carey, Jackie Morris, Ilene Karnow, Mary Tamucci, Joan Eisenberg, Doug Brown, and David Vieira.